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Hot sexy girl in Hobart.

About me

As an independent escort, I strive to embody the perfect image of the female companion you desire. Standing at a height of 5’3″, I am able to cater to a variety of clients, regardless of their gender preference. With my open-mindedness, I am comfortable fostering connections with individuals of any gender identity.

As an escort of high caliber, I am proud to offer my services to those who appreciate quality companionship. Hailing from Germany, I bring a touch of European charm to our encounters. My striking fair hair complements my appearance, adding to my allure.

In terms of physical attributes, I possess generously proportioned E-cup breasts that are sure to captivate your attention. Complementing this, my deep, nut-brown eyes add an element of mystery and seduction to our time together. Maintaining a weight within the range of 61kg-65kg, I ensure that I am in prime physical condition to fully engage in our experiences.

Originally from the Philippines, my fiery personality and passionate nature add an extra spark to our encounters. I take pride in satisfying the desires of women, catering to their unique adult needs.

In summary, as a self-employed escort, I am committed to embodying the ideal companion that you envision. My diverse attributes and experiences make me a well-rounded partner, capable of fulfilling your desires and creating memorable moments together.


sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies
sexybabeIvy Blonde,E cup,Brown,Filipino,Ladies









Time Outcall In-call
30min $150 $200
1hour $250 $300
2hour $350 $400

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    Dinner companion,Foot fetish,GFE,Light spanking,Maid,MMF,Strip tease,Cuddling and Touching,Teasing,Wax Play,Slave / Sub play,Relief

My profile

Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Weight 61-65kg
Sexuality Bisexual
Body type Tall
Gender Female
Ethnicity Filipino
Languages German
Breast E cup
eyes Brown
Hair color Blonde

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