Alice11 Young26 escort lily lawrance scarlet blue

I am your private escort

About me

As a self-employed companion, my goal is to embody your ideal image of a female escort. Standing at a height of 5’3″, I cater to individuals seeking the company of a bisexual escort who can elevate their experience. With a striking mane of blonde hair, I possess not only physical allure but also the ability to communicate effectively with my clients in English.

My physical attributes further enhance the experience. Adorned with a captivating shade of green, my iris is sure to captivate your attention. In terms of body measurements, my bust is classified as a B-cup, complementing my overall figure. With a weight below 40kg, I exude a delicate and endearing thinness that is bound to enthrall.

Originating from Australia, I am proud to be an intimate companion, offering tailored adult services that cater to the unique desires of disabled individuals. I understand the importance of creating an inclusive and accommodating environment where everyone can explore their desires comfortably.

In conclusion, I am an independent escort who strives to fulfill your vision of the perfect companion. With my height, bisexuality, striking appearance, language skills, and specialized services, I am confident that I can provide a truly memorable and satisfying experience.


Alice11 Young26 Female,Bisexual,English,B cup, 40kg
Alice11 Young26 Female,Bisexual,English,B cup, 40kg









Time Outcall In-call
30min $250 $300
1hour $350 $400
2hour $450 $500

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    Costumes,FE,GFE,Maid,Photography,Cuddling and Touching,Overnight,Escort,Full Service,Intimidation on You,Submissive,Relief

My profile

Hair color Blonde
eyes Green
Languages English
Ethnicity Aussie
Body type Tall
Gender Female
Weight < 40kg
Breast B cup
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Sexuality Bisexual

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